march 23, 2012
The sun is shining. There is an angel-shaped cloud above my house, drifting between the branches of one of the oak trees standing in my backyard. I wonder which of my family members from the other side of the Veil is watching over me right now. If I had to guess, I would bet on my sister Dawn, who was always my reality check.
My eldest son is just one month and one day shy of his 18th birthday. I'm not exactly certain how I feel about that, but then how I feel doesn't matter- he's going to turn 18 whether I like it or not. He's likely going to move out as quickly as he can, too. He's never been good at listening to advice.
My step-kids want to go see their mom for spring break, but once again, she can't pay her share of travel expenses, and I don't know what my Husband has planned for the situation. I am concerned that this may be the last time she has a chance to see them for a long time, as she seems intent on moving to Louisiana with some friends of hers.
People make the oddest choices. I never understood why someone would decide to leave a partner who obviously cares about them to play on the other side of the fence. I know all I ever got from that when I did it was bruised knees and the need to go take a long hot shower to get the stink off.
So, I was talking to my son about something, I don't remember what and neither does he, when I popped off with "yeah, about as easy to get along with as a vampire porcupine on amphetamines."
There will be a story in that.
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